Maasai Women Blazing Trails (MWBT) is a Non-Governmental Organization established and registered by strong and well-educated Maasai women and their fellow women ready to act for a better life. It is based in Maasai villages and creates organizations of Maasai women in these villages who join together to build on the social strength and power that they can create to change the conditions in their lives that are holding them back. They will be blazing the trails they need, working with others, but not waiting for others.
Each village chapter will elect local leaders and develop practices fitting them that are in harmony with the overall organization, its goals, and principles. There will be organization-wide campaigns developed with implementation in each village, and guided by representatives in each village meeting together with the organization leadership team. The leaders and the organized women will begin to look realistically to find actions that can be productive for many areas.
Funds will be raised at both levels, village, and centrally. The allocation of funds raised centrally will be decided by the central organization leadership. This leadership will be provided by the founder and the board of directors, and will use the advice of experienced leaders and program implementers from other organizations with shared values and goals. The leaders and the organized women will begin to look realistically to find actions that can be productive for many areas.
What We Do
We will do the hard work to organize Maasai women, to help them realize what their growing power and freedom can bring to their entire society, as in the process, one valuable goal after another is reached and secured and points the way to the next.
Promote Education by expanding the understanding of the importance of education, developing interest in the adults of the educational experience of their children, and Helping families find the resources needed to keep their children in school
Health by Identifying aspects of home and community life undermining the health of adults and children, create opportunities for adults to gain an understanding of illness causes and prevention. Introduce health-improving home and community living conditions to lessen health hazards.
Income generation by helping women do a realistic analysis of markets, supply, and demand to lead to productive individual businesses, And organize women’s cooperatives where they prove to be a key to greater income, establishing VICOBAs and other ways for women to share and collaborate.
Water access for homes, schools, and clinics by doing a broad search for the many water access programs that have been implemented in rural Africa and analyzed for cost and practicality. Do a thorough analysis of the costs and benefits of permanent solutions such as the use of wells and boreholes, and provide relief from water access burdens and health impacts while working toward better final solutions independently or in collaboration with the government.
To promote food sustainability through agriculture by analyzing the local food supply burden and food price uplifts brought on by droughts, heat, and cold caused by current climate conditions. And ring the best practice for the region to study and choose what innovations and interventions in agricultural practice could be implemented in collaboration with participating farmers to increase productivity reliably.
Eliminate Social Practice by creating an atmosphere in which the hardship and fearfulness girls experience due to young marriage and female genital mutilation can be openly discussed and programs to eliminate them can be established acceptably. And develop an understanding of the loss of the benefits for the entire society that would come from young women freely anticipating and experiencing these traumatic social practices.
We see a Maasai community with women themselves feeling the joy of successfully working toward their goals and priorities, and where all men, women, and children experience the richness in life that is created for everyone because of the productive freedom and power of the women.
The people who will be lifted and supported in accordance with the goals and vision of the MWBT organization are the Maasai women, people who come from and live with the lifestyle of the pastoralist community. Maasai women are too often left marginalized and forgotten along the path to justice and development. They have been discriminated against in many ways, and this organization will help them find their voice and be a key to help them find and successfully implement their initiatives.
The majority of inhabitants in Moipo are Maasai pastoralists living with their herds struggling for survival. MWBT is engaging with Maasai women communities to establish great and significant positive changes in order to achieve in the areas of women rights, property ownership, economic and entrepreneurship development to alleviate poverty, education for girls and to eliminate gender-based violence in the Maasai regions.
The board of the Maasai Women Blazing Trails organization is created as the heart of the organization to achieve its goals for the target community.
Maasai woman from a humble village in Manyara, Tanzania, defied societal norms and poverty to achieve academic excellence. Overcoming significant challenges, including financial hardship and the pressure of early marriage, she persevered through her educational journey. Read more
Is the chairman of the village at the local government level and has the authority to receive cooperation projects from community development stakeholders. He knows very well the needs of his people and has a place in the board to intensify the impact of our work in the community.
Is a primary school teacher who has established an English medium school. The school he runs really helps many children in the villages. The organization will undoubtedly take on the challenge of strengthening schools like his.
Is experienced in community work here in Tanzania after being a Professor of Physics in the U.S. and a visiting professor at the University of Dar es Salaam. He is the International liason, advisor and will participate in program design. He has successfully implemented many projects in the Maasai community since 2008.
Is an expert in the education and community development department. He will be an outstanding program developer as officer in the organization and on this board. He has been involved in working and volunteering in community work in other organizations for community development. He has also gained experience about people's development perspectives when he traveled to the U.S. and European countries.
is a woman from Orbili village who will be a valuable voice on the board due to her experience in the culture and its challenges. She has participated in seminars on development ideas and women's rights, and she is skilled at helping people think creatively. She will inspire others with her work and her ability to encourage women to participate in community development work, making her an important source of change.